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NICE Quality Standard QS141 Tuberculosis

NICE Quality Standard QS141 Tuberculosis

This quality standard covers preventing, identifying and managing latent and active tuberculosis (TB) in children, young people and adults. It describes high-quality care in six priority areas for improvement:

  • Statement 1: People aged 16 to 35 years who have arrived in the country within the past 5 years, from countries with a high incidence of tuberculosis (TB), are tested for latent TB infection when they register with a GP.
  • Statement 2: Adults aged under 65 years who are diagnosed with HIV, are tested for latent tuberculosis (TB) infection.
  • Statement 3: People who are referred to a tuberculosis (TB) service, who meet specific criteria, have rapid diagnostic nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs).
  • Statement 4: People who have imaging features suggestive of active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) are assessed by the next working day.
  • Statement 5: People with active tuberculosis (TB) from under-served groups are offered directly observed therapy.
  • Statement 6: People with active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) who are homeless are offered accommodation for the duration of their treatment.

The standard does not cover areas of national policy, such as the UK Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) immunisation programme.

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