World TB Day 2023 social media toolkit
This social media toolkit can be used by anyone wishing to raise awareness of TB in their community. This is more important than ever, with TB rates rising once again both in the UK and internationally due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic.

Not every cough is covid – think TB! Social media toolkit.
This social media toolkit can be used by anyone wishing to raise awareness of TB in their community. This is more important than ever, with the world’s attention turned towards the coronavirus pandemic.
Unfortunately, because the symptoms of TB, covid-19 and long-covid are often similar it is possible for TB to be overlooked. This toolkit helps differentiate the symptoms of these conditions and asks people to Think TB!

Toolkit for running a Latent TB Champions programme
The Latent TB Champions Toolkit is designed for public health teams and programme managers implementing NHSE guidelines for the testing and treatment of latent TB among new entrants. The toolkit provides guidance on developing a TB Champions programme, comprehensive training materials and a range of practical tools to deliver and evaluate community outreach work.
The toolkit can be used alongside TB Alert’s range of latent TB awareness resources, including the Latent TB Champions Flipbook. The flipbook is a portable, freestanding printed presentation with speakers notes that Champions can use to support their community outreach work.
View Latent TB Champions Flipbook
Information about TB for people in prisons (PHE, HMPS, NHS)
A comic strip style resource to raise awareness of TB among prison inmates.
Got TB – TB in prisons (PHE, HMPS, NHS)
A comic strip to raise awareness of TB among prison inmates with details for contacting the prison health team.
Latent TB social media toolkit
This social media toolkit can be used by anyone wishing to raise awareness of latent TB this World TB Day and beyond.
The toolkit comes with a range of infographics that contain key messages about latent TB, with information on how to use them.
The toolkit also provides guidance for promoting the Latent TB: animated into action film, which launched on World TB day 2018. This includes an off the shelf series of social media posts and contact details for organisations interested in launching their own paid advertising who could benefit from using and adapting existing campaign resources.
Latent TB testing – email footer
This graphic provides a brief overview of latent TB and who may benefit from testing and treatment. It can be used in a variety of settings, including as a vector image for design, though it is designed particularly to be used as a footer in e-signatures.
What should I know about latent TB? (A5 leaflet)
This four-page, A5 leaflet is designed to raise awareness about latent and active TB, and the benefits of latent TB testing and treatment. It should be used to support uptake of latent TB testing and treatment among newly settled individuals from high TB incidence countries.
The leaflet is available as artwork for local customisation.
Translated versions
This leaflet is available in Arabic, Bengali, Dari, Gujarati, Punjabi, Somali and Urdu.
Latent TB: don’t wait ’til it wakes – pocket card
This wallet-sized card explains who is at risk from TB, how active and latent TB work, and what action to take for anyone who is concerned about the illness.
Translated versions
This leaflet is available in Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Somali and Urdu.
Latent TB: don’t wait ’til it wakes – exhibition banner
This exhibition banner illustrates how people may have latent TB without knowing and advises what action to take. The design uses characters and illustrations from the Latent TB: animated into action film and also includes a QR code to view the film from a mobile device.
The banner is available as artwork for local customisation and production and can be viewed as a PDF here.
Latent TB: don’t wait ’til it wakes – posters
These A3 and A4 posters illustrate how people may have latent TB without knowing and advises what action to take. The design uses characters and illustrations from the Latent TB: animated into action film and also includes a QR code to view the film from a mobile device.
- Download A3 poster or artwork (for local customisation)
- Download A4 poster or artwork (for local customisation)
Latent TB: don’t wait ’til it wakes – postcard
This postcard illustrates how people may have latent TB without knowing and advises what action to take. The design uses characters and illustrations from the Latent TB: animated into action film and also includes a QR code to view the film from a mobile device.
The postcard is available as artwork for local customisation.
Latent TB: animated into action
Latent tuberculosis (TB): animated into action is a new health promotion tool that informs people about latent TB. A short animated film, its goal is to engage new migrants from countries with high rates of TB with local NHS testing and treatment programmes.
The project was funded by NHS England and developed by Public Health England, Queen Mary University of London, In Tune For Life and TB Alert. It launched on World TB Day in 2018.
This animation is available with subtitles or without subtitles.
Translated versions
The animation is available dubbed into six languages: Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Somali and Urdu.
TB stigma social media tiles and banners
A range of colourful social media banners and tiles that use people’s real-life testimony to help address TB stigma.
The banners can be used as your profile header images on Facebook and Twitter, whilst the tiles can be incorporated into posts featuring your own messages.
TB symptoms and early diagnosis social media tiles and banners
A range of colourful social media banners and tiles that use people’s real-life testimony raise awareness of TB symptoms and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.
The banners can be used as your profile header images on Facebook and Twitter, whilst the tiles can be incorporated into posts featuring your own messages.
Latent TB social media tiles and banners
A range of colourful social media banners and tiles that use people’s real-life testimony to encourage eligible communities to take up latent TB testing and treatment.
The banners can be used as your profile header images on Facebook and Twitter, whilst the tiles can be incorporated into posts featuring your own messages.
What should I know about TB?
New for 2016: This A5 leaflet provides a general overview of TB, including symptoms, transmission and risk factors.
This leaflet is available to CCGs and TB Control Boards for free through Prolog, by calling 0300 123 1002 or online at: www.orderline.dh.gov.uk
Translated versions
This leaflet is available to download as a print friendly version in the following languages: Arabic, Bengali, English, Farsi, Gujarati, Hindi, Nepali, Pashto, Punjabi, Somali, Tamil and Urdu. You can also download all languages together in this zip file.
TB symptoms card
This wallet sized card details the main symptoms of TB and where to get help.
Latent TB awareness leaflet
This DL sized leaflet provides a brief overview of latent TB and who may benefit from testing and treatment. It is suitable for awareness raising around local testing and treatment programmes, including for use alongside ‘invitation to test’ letters. The zip file contains print and electronic versions and artwork for localities that wish to insert their own logos.
Latent TB testing and treatment poster
This A3 multi-lingual poster can be used in GP surgeries and other settings to raise awareness about local latent TB testing and treatment programmes. The poster is available to download containing English, Bengali, Pashto, Punjabi and Urdu text.
Artwork and translated text is also included in this zip file, so that localities can create their own versions according to local needs. The following translated text is available: Arabic, Bengali, Farsi (Persian), Gujarati, Hindi, Nepali, Pashto, Punjabi, Somali, Tamil and Urdu.
The Truth About TB: Drugs and alcohol
An A5 leaflet offering a brief overview of TB – tailored to the needs of people who misuse drugs or alcohol – including how TB is transmitted, risk factors, common symptoms and what action someone should take if they are concerned.
The Truth About TB in the South Asian Community
An A5 leaflet offering a brief overview of TB – tailored to the needs of the South Asian Community – including how TB is transmitted, risk factors, common symptoms and what action someone should take if they are concerned.
Translated versions
The Truth About TB in the African Community
An A5 leaflet offering a brief overview of TB and its relationship with HIV. Including risk factors, common symptoms and what action someone should take if they are concerned.
The Truth About TB in the Somali Community
An A5 leaflet offering a brief overview of TB – tailored to the needs of the Somali Community – including how TB is transmitted, risk factors, common symptoms and what action someone should take if they are concerned.
Translated versions
TB symptoms animation
This lighthearted animation depicts the most common symptoms of TB. To save, right click on video and select ‘save as’.
The sooner the better poster
This poster describes the most common symptoms of TB and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.
TB symptoms screensaver
This light hearted cartoon screensaver depicts the most common symptoms of TB.
Multilingual TB symptoms poster
This poster describes the symptoms of TB in English, Tamil, Somali, Gujarati and Urdu.
Translated versions
Gujarati, Somali, Swahili, Urdu (A3)
Gujarati, Somali, Tamil, Urdu (A2)
Don’t pass it on poster
This poster describes the most common symptoms of TB and how TB is transmitted.
TB: The Real Story DVD
This is the story of five people’s journeys through TB, from their experiences of the early symptoms to the diagnosis and treatment that put them on the road to recovery. The film can be streamed or shared from YouTube or ordered on DVD.
Translated versions
The film plays in English, and Arabic, Bengali, French, Gujarati, Polish, Portuguese, Somali, Swahili, Tamil, Tigrinya and Urdu translations are all available on the same DVD or as separate YouTube videos.